Pin the Socks LLC provides Executive and Organizational Development, Strategic Planning, Team Building, Talent Acquisition, Revenue Generation, and Customer Experience services.

Why name your company Pin the Socks LLC? – The focus of our services is proactivity. We look to develop people and improve processes on the front-end rather than devise elaborate workarounds that don’t address the root causes. So, if you pin your socks together before washing, you won’t have to search for matches after they dry. Simple, but incredibly effective and efficient.

Andy Elliott – Founder


CXO – Chief Customer Experience Officer (Retired)
Computer Services, Inc.  (CSVI) | Paducah, KY  1980 – 2018

Sergeant (NCO)
United States Air Force 1976 – 1980
AFCS Command Headquarters Computer Operations (51150b) – Honeywell 6060 mainframe


Columbia Business School, Columbia University
June 2012| Certificate in Business Excellence (CIBE)

Graduate School of the South at Louisiana State University
June 1997| Graduate diploma

Transylvania University
May 1988| B.A. Business Management Magna Cum Laude

Community College of the Air Force
May 1980| A.A.S – Data Processing